Most notable from the Wettach Family was the world-famous clown Adrian Wettach, known by his artists name, Grock.
One of the Wettachs in the USA who got a whole book
covering his work is A.M. “Pete” Wettach - a photographer, covering the daily life in rural Iowa. Click on the picture to get to the website on this book.
For the Region of Badenia, a notable Wettach was Paul Christian Wettach, who received the “Order of Merit” of the Federal Republic of Germany (Bundesverdienstkreuz) for his fundamental work
in the german youth-hostel movement, as a long-time leader of the “Deutsches Jugendherbergs- werk” in Badenia. For Badenias former capitol, Karlsruhe, Paul Wettach served as Oberstadtdirektor after
he came back from the war.
Notable as a composer and texter of religious songs that found their way into the official songbooks of the protestant church of Germany (“Evangelisches
Kirchengesangbuch”) is Traugott Wettach, born in Karlsruhe 1941. Teacher of religion in Waldshut, reverend in Keltern-Dietlingen (Badenia)
, school-deacon in Emmendingen, counselor for school affairs in the board of the protestant church in Badenia (Evangelischer Oberkirchenrat) in Karlsruhe; reverend in Emmendingen since 1992. Example: “Du
schufst, Herr, unsre Erde gut”
More notable Wettachs (and more on the above) to follow at this place.